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  3. Hollanda’da Bir Liman Vincine Dönüşen Otel: Faralda Crane Hotel!

Hollanda’da Bir Liman Vincine Dönüşen Otel: Faralda Crane Hotel!


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Did you know that you can stay inside a harbor crane? The Faralda Crane Hotel in the port of Harlingen, located in the Netherlands, welcomes visitors inside this crane.

From the outside, Faralda Hotel looks like a normal construction machine, but its very modern rooms, where two people can comfortably stay, amaze the onlookers. Decorated with antique ship parts on the walls, this hotel with a nostalgic concept stands out as one of the high-priced hotels in Amsterdam.

The nightly rate for a stay for two at Faralda Hotel is $1126.

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